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اللَّهُمَّ إلَـٰـهي وإلَـٰـهَ إبْرَاهيمَ وإسْحاقَ ويَعْقُوبَ وإلَـٰـهَ جِبْريلَ وميكَائِيلَ وإسْرافيلَ أسْألُكَ أن تَسْتَجيبَ دَعْوَتي فأنا مُضْطَرٌّ، وتَعْصِمَنِي في دِيني فإنِّي مُبْتَلىً، وتَنالَنِي بِرَحْمَتِكَ فإنِّي مُذْنِبٌ، وتَنفِي عنِّي الفَقْرَ فإنِّي مُتَمَسْكِنٌ
Beetroot Pulao
Breads are better than rice, because they allow you some time to chew before swallowing down, but with rice, most of you swallow them quickly, carbohydrates necessarily need some contact with the saliva, and that is why slow chewing is recommended. You take rice as plain, or with meat, chicken & vegetables, but today, we present a Pulao that is a challenge for you & your ladies, if they can come to compete Tibb-e-Nabawi's beauty. The purpose of sending these recipes is that you should stop wasting your valuable time & switch to Tibb-e-Nabawi for ever, permanently & daily. Beetroot with barley is praised by Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam; for the sick & weak. Beetroot Pulao is another miracle of my Allah's creations, the splendid colors & taste it exhibits are all Created by my Allah. Adding some vinegar to rice during cooking makes them puffy & fluffy and induces a mild tart flavor.
Beetroot Pulao
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