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اللَّهُمَّ إنِّي أَسْأَلْكَ غِنَايَ وَغِنَى مَوْلاي، اللَّهُمَّ اغْفِرْ لي وارْحَمْنِي وأدْخِلْني الجنَّةَ
Marzanjoosh (MARJORAM)
مَرْزَنْجُوش: ورد فيه حديث لا نعلم صحته: (عليكم بالْمَرْزَنْجُوش، فإنه جيدٌ لِلخُشامِ). (ابن السنى ، وأبو نعيم عن أنس) وأخرجه أيضا : الديلمى (3/25 ، رقم 4050) والخُشام هو الزُّكام. وهو حارٌ في الثالثة يابس في الثانية، ينفع شمُّه من الصُّداع البارد، والكائن عن البلغم، والسوداء، والزُّكام، والرياح الغليظة، ويفتح السُّدد الحادثة في الرأس والمنخرين، ويُحلِّل أكثرَ الأورام الباردة، فينفعُ مِن أكثر الأورام والأوجاع الباردة الرَّطبة، وإذا احتُمِل، أدرَّ الطَّمث، وأعان على الحَبَل، وإذا دُقَّ ورقُه اليابس، وكُمِدَ به، أذهب آثارَ الدَّم العارض تحت العَيْن، وإذا ضُمِّد به مع الخل، نفع لسعة العقرب. ودُهنه نافع لوجع الظهر والرُّكبتين، ويُذهب بالإعياء، ومَن أدْمَن شمَّه لم ينزل في عينيه الماء، وإذا استُعِطَ بمائه مع دُهن اللَّوز المُر، فتح سُدد المنخرين، ونفع مِن الريح العارضة فيها، وفى الرأس
Marjoram by Ibn al-Qayyim: There is a narrated Hadith (though its authenticity is uncertain) that states: "Use marjoram, for it is beneficial for colds." (Ibn Al-Sunni and Abu Nu'aym from Anas; also recorded by Al-Daylami). The term Khusham refers to nasal congestion or colds.
Marjoram is warm in the third degree and dry in the second. Inhaling it is beneficial for cold-induced headaches, conditions caused by phlegm or black bile, nasal congestion, and strong winds. It clears blockages in the head and nostrils, dissolves most cold swellings, and alleviates cold and moist pains. When used as a suppository, it induces menstruation and aids in conception. Ground dried leaves applied as a poultice reduce bruising under the eyes, and when mixed with vinegar, it is effective for scorpion stings. Marjoram oil relieves back-pain and knee pain, reduces fatigue, and prevents water from accumulating in the eyes when inhaled regularly. When its juice is mixed with bitter almond oil and used as nasal drops, it clears nasal blockages and relieves head wind conditions.
Marjoram by Ibn al-Baytaar: Also called Marzanjush or Mardaqush, it is of Persian origin and is referred to in Arabic as sumsuq, ‘anqar, or basil of cucumbers (حبق القثاء). Marjoram grows abundantly in Cyprus. In Egypt, its quality is lower, where it is called qurnafis. In Sicily, it is known as imras. The plant has numerous branches that spread along the ground, with round leaves covered in fine hair resembling qalamin leaves. It has a very pleasant aroma and is warming.
Heating and Drying: It has a gentle strength, warming and drying in the third degree.
Dropsy, Urinary Issues, and Colic: Its decoction helps with the early stages of dropsy, difficulty in urination, and colic.
Bruises: Dried leaves applied externally can reduce blood stains under the eyes.
Menstruation and Scorpion Stings: Acts as an emmenagogue (induces menstruation) and can be applied as a poultice for scorpion stings.
Nervous System: Mixed with wax or other remedies, it relieves nerve tension and phlegmatic swellings.
Eye Conditions: Combined with ochre, it treats hot eye swellings.
Respiratory and Digestive Health: Marjoram improves conditions caused by cold and moisture, including headaches and migraines arising from black bile or phlegm. Its decoction poured on the head or inhaled is beneficial. It opens blockages in the head and nostrils, especially when mixed with treatments that enhance eyesight and reduce initial stages of cataracts. Ground fresh leaves mixed with salt relieve gas and phlegm-related irritations. When consumed with cumin and salt, it alleviates hiccups caused by cold and sluggish digestion. A decoction of marjoram alleviates melancholia. It warms the stomach and intestines, relieves bloating, clears blockages, and strongly promotes urination. Chewing marjoram with salt stops excessive salivation.
Other Applications: Mixed with medicines for nasal congestion and applied to the forehead, it enhances their effectiveness. With raisin pulp, it reduces swelling, especially mild inflammation. For severe inflammation, it is mixed with vinegar. A nasal drop of marjoram water with honey clears the brain of cold humors and warms it.
Summary by Ibn Imran: Marjoram opens blockages in the head, dissolves phlegm, alleviates cold-induced headaches, and benefits those with nasal congestion. It is particularly effective for cold pains, strong winds, migraines caused by black bile or phlegm, and conditions involving blockages in the head and nostrils.
Ibn-e-Sina wrote: Marjoram is hot and dry in the third degree. Marjoram is a gentle, opening, and dissolving substance. Its oil is intensely heating and sharp.
For Beauty and Aesthetics: Marjoram oil can be applied after cupping therapy (Hijamah). Applying it to the treated area prevents the whitening that often occurs after Hijamah. It can also be applied to areas affected by bruising or blood stagnation, especially beneath the eyes.
For Tumors and Pustules: Marjoram is used as a topical treatment for phlegmatic swellings or tumors.
For Joints and Muscles: Marjoram oil can be used in a plaster for treating nerve sprains. It is also useful for back pain, groin pain, and can be mixed with honey to treat fatigue. The oil is also applied to treat hemiplegia (paralysis on one side of the body) and other forms of stroke.
For the Head: Marjoram helps open the blockages in the brain, and is beneficial for treating migraine, headaches, sinus congestion, black headaches, and cold headaches caused by wind. It can also be used to treat earaches, either by applying oil to the ear canal or soaking a piece of cloth in the oil and placing it in the ear.
For the Digestive System: The decoction of marjoram helps treat ascites (fluid retention in the abdomen).
For the Reproductive System: The decoction of marjoram is beneficial for dysuria (painful urination), colic, and its oil can be used to warm and soothe uterine congestion, helping treat uterine spasms that can lead to constriction.
For Poisoning: Marjoram, when mixed with vinegar, is used as a poultice for scorpion stings.
Marjoram, Oregano, Ajwain & Thyme are species from the same family. dried marjoram leaves in our market are full of dust / soil & before using them, you must sieve them in a thin cloth like Dupatta for separating the soil.
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