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اللَّهُمَّ اشْرَحْ لي صَدْرِي ويَسِّرْ لِي أمْري، وأعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ وَسَاوِسِ الصَّدْرِ وشَتَاتِ الأمْرِ وفِتْنَةِ القَبْرِ، اللَّهُمَّ إنِّي أعُوذُ بِكَ مِن شَرِّ مَا يَلِجُ في الليْلِ ومِن شَرِّ ما يَلِجُ في النَّهارِ ومِن شَرِّ ما تَهُبُّ بهِ الرِّيَاحُ
Baydh (Eggs)
Benefits of eggs mentioned by Ibn Al Qayyim will be surprising for you, but they are for the organic eggs only, or for the eggs of chickens that people keep in their houses. Egg white can be used as eye drops, it is a remedy to cure & reduce the damage of fire burns, & when blended with Frankincense & placed on the forehead (as a mask), it is a cure for Influenza.
بيض: ذكر البيهقي في شعب الإيمان أثرًا مرفوعًا: أن نبيًا من الأنبياء شكى إلى الله سبحانه الضعف، فأمره بأكل البيض. وفي ثبوته نظر، ويختار من البيض الحديث على العتيق، وبيض الدجاج على سائر بيض الطير، وهو معتدل يميل إلى البرودة قليلًا.
قال صاحب القانون: ومحه: حار رطب، يولد دمًا صحيحًا محمودًا، ويغذي غذاءًا يسيرًا، ويسرع الإنحدار من المعدة إذا كان رخوًا. وقال غيره: مح البيض: مسكن للألم، مملس للحلق وقصبة الرئة، نافع للحلق والسعال وقروح الرئة والكلى والمثانة، مذهب للخشونة، لا سيما إذا أخذ بدهن اللوز الحلو، ومنضج لما في الصدر، ملين له، مسهل لخشونة الحلق، وبياضه إذا قطر في العين الوارمة ورمًا حارًا، برده، وسكن الوجع وإذا لطخ به حرق النار أو ما يعرض له، لم يدعه يتنفط، وإذا لطخ به الوجع، منع الإحتراق العارض من الشمس، واذا خلط بالكندر، ولطخ على الجبهة، نفع من النزلة. وذكره صاحب القانون في الأدوية القلبية، ثم قال: وهو ـ وإن لم يكن من الأدوية المطلقة فإنه مما له مدخل في تقوية القلب جدًا أعني الصفرة، وهي تجمع ثلاثة معان: سرعة الإستحالة إلى الدم، وقلة الفضلة، وكون الدم المتولد منه مجانسًا للدم الذي يغذو القلب خفيفًا مندفعًا إليه بسرعة، ولذلك هو أوفق ما يتلافى به عادية الأمراض المحللة لجوهر الروح
Ibn Al Qayyim wrote for Eggs: Al-Bayhaqi mentioned in Shu'ab al-Iman a raised narration that a Prophet from among the Prophets complained to Allah about weakness, and Allah instructed him to eat eggs. However, the authenticity of this report is questionable.
Fresh eggs are preferable to old ones, and chicken eggs are better than those of other birds. Eggs are generally balanced but tend to be slightly cool.
According to the Canon of Medicine (by Ibn Sina), the yolk of the egg is hot and moist. It produces good-quality blood and provides moderate nourishment. It passes quickly through the stomach if it is soft. Others have said that egg yolk soothes pain, smooths the throat and windpipe, and is beneficial for the throat, cough, ulcers of the lungs, kidneys, and bladder. It reduces roughness, especially when consumed with sweet almond oil. It helps to mature chest congestion, soften it, and ease the roughness of the throat. Egg white, when applied to a swollen, inflamed eye, cools it and relieves the pain. If applied to burns, it prevents blistering. When applied to sunburn, it protects the skin from further burning. When mixed with frankincense and applied to the forehead, it helps with a runny nose.
The Canon of Medicine also mentions eggs among remedies for the heart, stating that while they are not an absolute medicine, they significantly strengthen the heart—specifically, the yolk. The yolk has three qualities: it quickly transforms into blood, leaves little residue, and the blood it produces is compatible with the blood that nourishes the heart, flowing to it swiftly. For this reason, it is one of the best remedies for restoring the body's essence after illnesses that deplete the vitality of the spirit.
Ibn al-Baytaar wrote: The eggs we are most familiar with are chicken eggs, which are easily accessible. It is best to use fresh eggs, as older ones may have deteriorated. The egg white should be used for any pain that requires a non-irritating remedy, such as eye pain, wounds in the rectal and groin areas, and all kinds of foul ulcers. It can also be mixed into medicines that stop bleeding from the membranes of the brain, where it serves a beneficial purpose.
In general, egg whites are mixed with rose oil to treat swelling in the chest, eyelids, and ears when affected by trauma or inflammation. They are also effective for treating nerve-related issues in areas like the elbows and joints of the hands and feet. Cooking an egg with vinegar and consuming it can help with fluids that accumulate in the stomach and intestines. Additionally, combining egg whites with remedies for diarrhea and abdominal pain, and then roasting or cooking them over a smokeless fire (like charcoal), can be particularly beneficial.
Applying a raw egg to a burn can be very beneficial; if you use only the egg white on a burn with a piece of wool, it is even better. Mixing the yolk with the white can also be advantageous due to their cooling and gentle drying properties.
Eggs can also be used in poultices for the forehead and to attach hairs that grow with the eyelashes, especially when mixed with suitable substances like resin, provided the resin is not old or too dry. The beneficial properties of the egg are largely due to the stickiness of the egg white rather than its composition, although it is also effective in treating conditions it does not oppose.
Many sticky substances that can counteract these ailments, like certain types of plant resins, may not be as effective as eggs. When eggs are cooked or roasted, they gain a different quality, enhancing their benefits. They can be mixed into remedies that alleviate issues in the chest and lungs.
Neembarasht ~ نيم برشت (half boiled egg) is more nourishing than the thin variety, while the solid type is more nourishing than Neembarasht. The yolk of boiled eggs mixed with saffron and rose oil can be beneficial for eye ailments.
Egg whites can soothe inflamed ears, and if applied, they can reduce heat and relieve pain.
Fire burns are initially very painful. If applied to the face, egg whites can relieve burns caused by the sun. If it is heated and consumed, egg can alleviate bladder irritation, kidney ulcers, chest roughness, coughing up blood, colds, and any condition that causes excessive mucous production.
Ibn Sina in the second section of his Canon mentions that Neembarasht (half boiled egg) is beneficial for coughs, phlegm, tuberculosis, hoarseness, and breathing difficulties, particularly when the yolk is cooked and consumed. The egg white, mixed with King’s Crown herb (أكليل الملك), helps with ulcers in the intestines and their foulness, as well as with anal and groin wounds. It can be used in a wick dipped in it along with rose oil for hemorrhoidal swelling.
Eggs from ducks and similar birds are of poorer quality, while ostrich and goose eggs are drier. The yolk of chicken eggs, when roasted and mixed with honey, can be used as a treatment for dark spots. The yolk from the bustard is a good dye, tested for its effectiveness, while stork eggs are also mentioned as beneficial. All eggs, especially those of small birds, can enhance sexual vitality.
Experiments show that egg whites, when mixed with medicines that prevent fluid accumulation, can tighten tissues and stop excessive drainage, particularly for poultices applied to the forehead, temples, and areas of injury.
Israeli states that egg yolk is warm and soft, making it effective for treatment when used in poultices with violet oil, which can rapidly mature hot swellings and resolve what hasn't come together. If swellings need more fortification, more roasted yolk should be used; if they need more breakdown, use raw yolk. Mixing with rose oil and a little saffron can help treat swellings resulting from thick blood.
Egg whites applied raw or lightly cooked to hot swellings can relieve pain, especially in sensitive areas like the eyes or swollen body parts.
From Ibn Al-Ramli's notes, it is reported that crushed burnt chicken eggshells effectively stop severe nosebleeds, demonstrating efficacy multiple times, with careful application through a silver tube proving highly effective.
Al-Razi in "On the Harmful Effects of Foods" states that the most common eggs are chicken and quail eggs. Duck eggs are easier to digest and more beneficial for blood quality than the others. Goose and ostrich eggs are heavier and more difficult to digest, and consuming small bird eggs has not become a common practice. However, sparrow eggs can enhance sexual vitality when prepared as an omelet with butter and onions, although they should not be consumed regularly, only as a remedy. Egg whites can create thick blood, while yolks generate a larger quantity of blood.
When considering the nutritional value of eggs, the cooked yolk is highly nutritious and digests slowly, while Neembarasht (half boiled egg) is less nutritious and digests more quickly. When cooked with oil, they become heavier and slower to digest. The blood derived from egg yolk is considered pure and beneficial for chest and lung health, as well as enhancing vitality when combined with mustard seed and salt.
Consuming Neembarasht with crushed mustard seeds helps to soften the stomach, facilitating digestion and providing quick nourishment. This is especially beneficial for those who are weak or in need of nourishing food.
However, for those with weak stomachs, excessive consumption of eggs, especially boiled ones, should be avoided. If one must eat eggs frequently, they should be seasoned with salt, pepper, and herbs to make them easier to digest.
Boiling eggs with vinegar can be beneficial for those suffering from intestinal ulcers. When making an omelet, it is better to use only the yolk for easier digestion, especially when cooked with oil instead of butter, which can be heavier. Softer omelets digest more quickly, and it is best to avoid excessive consumption of boiled eggs for those suffering from colitis, particularly when eaten with heavy foods like meats, greens, dairy, or cheeses.
Ibn Sina mentions in "The Heart Medicines" that while eggs are not classified strictly as medicines, they certainly play a significant role in strengthening the heart, especially the yolks from animals with good meat, such as chicken and quail. These yolks are balanced in nature and offer three advantages: they quickly transform into blood, they leave little waste, and the blood generated from them is light and nourishing to the heart. Thus, they help counteract diseases that diminish the vital essence of the spirit and the blood present in the heart.
Ibn-e-Sina wrote: The best are fresh chicken eggs, and the most beneficial part is the egg white. The ideal preparation is to avoid cooking them with anything else. After chicken eggs, eggs of birds that resemble chickens—like quails, partridges, and pheasants—are the best. Duck eggs and similar eggs are considered of lower quality. Eggs are generally balanced in temperature, with the egg white being cold and the yolk being warm. Both the white and the yolk are moist, especially the white. The driest eggs are those of geese and ostriches. Eggs have a binding effect, especially when the yolk is roasted. The egg white helps alleviate sharp pains due to its smooth texture, as it sticks and doesn’t disappear quickly like milk. The more solid parts of the egg take longer to digest and provide more nourishment. The best egg to eat is Neembarasht (half-boiled-eaten hot), which penetrates the body quickly.
Beauty: The white of the egg brightens the complexion, protecting it from sunburn and removing dark spots. Roasted yolk, when ground with honey, serves as a remedy for freckles and dark spots. The egg of the houbara bustard is said to be an effective dye, and similarly, eggs of the stork can also be used in this way.
Swelling and Pimples: Eggs can be used to prevent swelling and can be applied as a poultice for ulcers and swellings, as well as on burn injuries with oil.
Wounds and Ulcers: Eggs are beneficial for treating wounds around the groin and buttocks. They are also used in cases of burns, applied with a cotton swab to prevent infection, as well as for scalds.
Joints and Muscles: They help soften the nerves and are effective for relieving joint pain.
Head: Eggs are used in medicines to stop bleeding from the brain's membrane and are helpful for treating colds. The yolk of chicken eggs is beneficial for ear inflammations.
Eyes: The egg white soothes eye pain. The yolk, when mixed with saffron and rose oil, is highly effective for eye strain. A poultice of barley flour with egg white can prevent eye discharge, and egg white with frankincense applied to the forehead can also help with eye-related problems.
Respiratory and Chest Health: Eggs ~ especially Neembarasht (half-boiled-eaten hot) help alleviate roughness in the throat, relieve coughs, tuberculosis, hoarseness from heat, shortness of breath, and coughing up blood, especially when the yolk is consumed raw.
Digestion: Eggs cooked in vinegar can prevent the reflux of substances into the stomach and intestines, and they help with roughness of the esophagus and the upper digestive tract. Roasted eggs, on the other hand, become more heavy and difficult to digest.
Elimination: Eggs cooked in vinegar prevent diarrhea and irritation of the intestines. The yolk can treat kidney and bladder ulcers, particularly when consumed raw. Roasted egg yolk, when mixed with certain astringents and sour water, is effective for treating intestinal issues and can be used for anal and groin wounds. Egg white mixed with rose oil can also help with hemorrhoids.
Sexual Health: Eggs, particularly those of small birds, are said to improve sexual health. It is also claimed that goose eggs, when mixed with oil and warm water, can promote menstruation after four days.
Eggs omelette with Turmeric, thyme & garlic, my favorite
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