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اللَّهُمَّ لَكَ الحَمْدُ كُلُّهُ، لا قَابِضَ لِمَا بَسَطْتَ ولا باسِطَ لمَا قَبَضْتَ، ولا هَاديَ لِمَن أَضْلَلْتَ، ولا مُضِلَّ لِمَن هَدَيْتَ، ولا مُعْطِي لِمَا مَنَعْتَ، ولا مَانِعَ لِما أعْطَيْتَ، ولا مُقَرِّبَ لما باعَدْتَ، ولا مُبَاعِدَ لمَا قَرَّبْتَ
Basal (Onions)
What a beautiful explanation is forwarded by Ibn Al Qayyim, when he wrote some expensive words for ONIONS.
What a miracle onions can be, use them for removing warts, for curing dog bites, jaundice, piles, Vitiligo, for hair loss, as nose drops for clearing the head, as eye drops (with honey) for cataract, & as ear drops for a better hearing, onion water is good for taking out pus & water from the ears & helps in cases of Tinnitus (sensation of ringing / whistling sound in the ears). But before using onion juice for this purpose, it should be carefully separated from its pulp & please consult a reputable Hakeem in your neighborhood.
بصل ~ روى أبو داود في سننه: عن عائشة رضي الله عنها، أنها سئلت عن البصل، فقالت: إن آخر طعام أكله رسول الله ـ صلى الله عليه وسلم ـ كان فيه بصل. وثبت عنه في الصحيحين أنه منع آكله من دخول المسجد.
والبصل: حار في الثالثة، وفيه رطوبة فضلية ينفع من تغير المياه، ويدفع ريح السموم، ويفتق الشهوة، ويقوي المعدة، ويهيج الباه، ويزيد في المني، ويحسن اللون، ويقطع البلغم، ويجلو المعدة، وبزره يذهب البهق، ويدلك به حول داء الثعلب، فينفع جدًا، وهو بالملح يقلع الثآليل، وإذا شمه من شرب دواء مسهلًا منعه من القيء والغثيان، وأذهب رائحة ذلك الدواء، وإذا استعط بمائه، نقى الرأس، ويقطر في الأذن لثقل السمع والطنين والقيح، والماء الحادث في الأذنين، وينفع من الماء النازل في العينين اكتحالًا يكتحل ببزره مع العسل لبياض العين، والمطبوخ منه كثير الغذاء ينفع من اليرقان والسعال، وخشونة الصدر، ويدر البول، ويلين الطبع، وينفع من عضة الكلب غير الكلب إذا نطل عيها ماؤه بملح وسذاب، وإذا احتمل، فتح أفواه البواسير. وأما ضرره: فإنه يورث الشقيقة، ويصدع الرأس، ويولد أرياحًا، ويظلم البصر، وكثرة أكله تورث النسيان، ويفسد العقل، ويغير رائحة الفم والنكهة، ويؤذي الجليس، والملائكة، وإماتته طبخًا تذهب بهذه المضرات منه. وفي السنن: أنه ـ صلى الله عليه وسلم ـ أمر آكله وآكل الثوم أن يميتهما طبخًا ويذهب رائحته مضغ ورق السذاب عليه.
Ibn Al Qayyim wrote for Onion : It is narrated in Sunan Abu Dawood from Aishah Radi Allaho Anha that she was asked about onions, and she said: "The last food the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم ate contained onions." It is also recorded in Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim that the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم prohibited those who ate onions from entering the Masjid.
Onions are hot in the third degree and contain excess moisture. They are beneficial for purifying water, protecting against harmful winds, increasing appetite, strengthening the stomach, stimulating sexual desire, increasing semen production, improving complexion, reducing phlegm, and cleansing the stomach. Onion seeds are effective in treating vitiligo and can be rubbed around the area affected by alopecia areata, offering significant benefits. When mixed with salt, onions can remove warts. Smelling onions can prevent nausea and vomiting for those who have taken laxative medicine, and it eliminates the medicine’s odor. When administered through the nose, onion juice clears the head, and it can be dropped into the ear to relieve hearing loss, tinnitus, pus, and moisture buildup. It is also helpful for eye conditions like cataracts when used as an eye drop mixed with honey. Cooked onions are highly nutritious and help with jaundice, coughs, chest roughness, and they promote urination and relieve constipation. Onion juice mixed with salt and rue can treat non-rabid dog bites. When applied topically, it can open hemorrhoids.
Harmful effects: Onions can cause migraines, headaches, bloating, impair vision, and excessive consumption may lead to forgetfulness, mental dullness, and bad breath, which can be unpleasant to others and even to angels. Cooking onions can reduce these harmful effects. In the Hadith, Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم instructed those who eat onions or garlic to cook them to neutralize the smell, and chewing rue leaves (Barg-e-Sudaab) helps eliminate the odor as well.
Ibn al-Baytaar wrote for onions: Onions are in the fourth degree of heating substances, and their essence is thick. When applied with vinegar and exposed to the sun, it can remove vitiligo. If rubbed on areas affected by alopecia, it stimulates hair growth faster. When onions are juiced and the liquid is separated, the thick residue left behind is earthy and intensely hot, while the juice is watery and sharp. Onions are also less likely to cause gas when their moisture content is higher.
Red, round onions are spicier than white ones, and dried onions are spicier than fresh ones. Raw, fresh onions are spicier than grilled or pickled onions made with vinegar and salt. All types of onions are sharp, cause gas, increase appetite, and promote digestion. They are also thirst-inducing, emetic, and helpful for improving vision. Onions can soften the bowels and open the orifices of veins and hemorrhoids. If used to open the veins, peel the onion, soak it in oil, and place it in the rectum. Chewing onions is beneficial for treating throat inflammation and can induce menstruation. When inhaled, it clears the head, and its juice mixed with salt, rue, and honey can be used as a poultice for dog bites. When applied in the sun, mixed with vinegar, it can treat vitiligo. When combined with salt and applied to warts, this combination removes them. Onion mixed with chicken fat is useful for treating abrasions on the feet from shoes. Onion juice alone, when dripped into the ear, helps with hearing loss, ear ringing, and pus or fluid drainage. When applied to alopecia, it stimulates hair growth faster than sea foam. However, excessive consumption can lead to headaches. Cooking onions increases their diuretic effect.
Ibn Masawayh: Boiled onions increase sexual desire and arouse the appetite for intercourse. When crushed raw and smelled, onions stimulate hunger, open skin pores, and dissolve vapors. Excessive consumption can cause harmful humors to form in the stomach. It is recommended to wash raw onions in salt and vinegar several times before eating them. Roasted walnuts and fried cheese with oil or butter can neutralize the odor of onions when chewed afterward. Eating onions during travels and in areas with varying water sources helps protect against the harm caused by changes in water quality.
Israeli: When taken in moderate amounts as medicine at the right times, onions are warming, stimulating, and soften thick humors. They help cut through viscous phlegm, relieve acidic belching, and cleanse the head.
Experiments: Onions cleanse the chest and lungs from viscous humors, especially when cooked with fatty foods. Roasted onions, when mixed with fat or butter or with eggs, relieve pain in the rectum and reduce swelling when applied as a poultice. Onion juice, mixed with salt and applied to the head, helps heal scalp sores.
Ibn Sina: Onions attract blood to the skin, making it red, and uncooked onions provide little nutritional value. However, cooked onions can still produce thick humors. Boiled onions are nutritious, but excessive consumption can cause drowsiness and increase saliva production. Onions can neutralize the harmful effects of gases and benefit jaundice patients.
Al-Basri: Pickled onions lose much of their sharpness and moisture, strengthen the stomach, and reduce nausea caused by yellow bile and phlegm. Smelling pickled onions can alleviate nausea from purgatives and mask the strong odor of such medicines. However, in those with heat-related conditions, onions may cause headaches during this time.
Al-Razi: Pickled onions greatly increase appetite. When aged in vinegar, they do not rise to the head or cause thirst. In his book on defending against harmful foods, Al-Razi stated that onions are hot and fiery, unsuitable for people with heat-related conditions unless pickled with vinegar. They improve the taste of food and remove the greasiness from meat but harm the head and eyes unless pickled. Boiling or roasting onions removes their sharpness and reduces their potential to cause phlegm. Cooked onions are beneficial for coughs and roughness in the chest, but raw onions, especially when eaten with other sharp foods, are the worst for the head and eyes.
Ibn-e-Sina wrote : Along with its sharpness, onion also contains bitterness and astringency. The longer the onion, the sharper its taste. Red onions are sharper than white ones, and dry onions are stronger than fresh ones, while roasted onions are milder than raw. Onion is hot in the third degree, with an excess of moisture, it is soothing and dispersing, especially when consumed. It has a strong cleansing and opening effect, although it can cause bloating. It draws blood to the surface, reddening the skin, and it doesn’t produce significant nourishment unless cooked. Onion-based dishes are less bloating when compared to those without onion. When cooked, the food becomes thicker. Onion, particularly when eaten, is helpful in neutralizing harmful effects from contaminated water and odors.
Cosmetic Effects: It reddens the face. Its seeds can treat vitiligo, and massaging the area affected by alopecia (hair loss) with onion helps significantly. It is also effective for removing warts, especially when used with salt.
Wounds and Sores: Onion juice is beneficial for infected wounds and can be combined with chicken fat to treat wounds and abrasions.
Head Effects: Inhaling the vapor of onion juice clears the head and can treat dizziness, ear discharge, and earaches. It is known to cause headaches when overused. Excessive consumption can cause excessive salivation and is believed to negatively affect the mind due to producing bad humors.
Eye Health: Onion juice is useful for treating excessive eye discharge and can improve vision. It can also be used as an eye wash with honey to whiten the eyes.
Respiratory and Chest Benefits: Onion juice with honey helps treat asthma (choking sensation).
Digestive System Benefits: Raw onion is difficult to digest and may induce vomiting. Cooked onion, with its bitterness, strengthens a weak stomach and stimulates appetite. Cooked onion (especially when boiled twice) is a good source of nourishment, though it can cause thirst. It is beneficial in treating jaundice.
Excretory System Benefits: Onion helps treat hemorrhoids and can open them up. All varieties of onion stimulate sexual desire. Onion juice promotes menstruation and helps soften the body.
Antidote to Poisons: Onion juice, when applied to rabid dog bites with salt and RUE (سذاب), is helpful. The consumption of onion can counteract the effects of poison gases, as it creates a moist and abundant mixture in the stomach that breaks down the poison. It is highly effective in this regard.
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