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اللَّهُمَّ إنِّي أسْألُكَ الأمْنَ يَوْمَ الخَوْفِ، اللَّهُمَّ إنِّي عَائِذٌ بِكَ مِن شَرِّ ما أعْطَيْتَنَا ومِن شَرِّ ما مَنَعْتَنَا. اللَّهُمَّ حَبِّبْ إليْنَا الإيمانَ وزَيِّنْهُ في قُلُوبِنَا وكَرِّهْ إليْنَا الكُفْرَ والفُسُوقَ والعِصُيَانَ واجْعَلْنَا مِنَ الرَّاشِدينَ
Bazinjaan (Egg Plant)
باذنجان : في الحديث الموضوع المختلق على رسول الله ـ صلى الله عليه وسلم ـ: (الباذنجان لما أكل له)، وهذا الكلام مما يستقبح نسبته إلى آحاد العقلاء، فضلًا عن الانبياء، وبعد: فهو نوعان: أبيض وأسود، وفيه خلاف، هل هو بارد أو حار؟ والصحيح: أنه حار، وهو مولد للسوداء والبواسير، والسدد والسرطان والجذام، ويفسد اللون ويسوده، ويضر بنتن الفم، والأبيض منه المستطيل عار من ذلك.
Ibn Al Qayyim wrote for Eggplant: In a fabricated and falsely attributed Hadith to Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم, it is said: "Eggplant is for whatever purpose it is eaten." Such a statement is something even an ordinary intelligent person would reject.
As for eggplant, it comes in two types: white and black. There is disagreement on whether it is cold or hot, but the correct view is that it is hot. It can cause black bile, hemorrhoids, blockages, cancer, and leprosy. It darkens the complexion, causes bad breath, and is harmful. However, the long white variety is free from these harmful effects.
Ibn al-Baytaar wrote :
Al-Razi : Eggplant is harmful to the head and eyes. It generates a small amount of black bile, is slightly hot, and can cause skin disorders, hemorrhoids, eye infections, and melancholic diseases. It opens obstructions in the liver and spleen. When boiled and then fried in oil, vinegar, and almonds, much of its sharpness and bitterness is reduced. However, the bitterness remains in grilled eggplant without oil, and in dishes that are not boiled. Cooked with vinegar, it is more suitable for those with heat-related conditions and for those with liver or spleen disorders. Boiled and then fried with sweet oils like almond oil and vinegar makes it better, reducing the likelihood of causing melancholic diseases as previously mentioned.
Ibn Masawayh: The best method to prepare eggplant is to peel it, cut it, and salt it, leaving it in cold water for a long time. Afterward, pour off the water, repeat the process several times, then boil it and cook it with lamb, goat, or chicken. It can also be eaten fried in almond oil, sesame oil & vinegar. The smaller and fresher the eggplant, the better. After eating it, drinking sour pomegranate juice can help in digestion.
Others: If eggplant is prepared by soaking it in water and salt to remove its heat, it causes no harm. When eaten with vinegar, it quenches yellow bile, prevents nausea, and does not harm the eyes or the head.
Ibn Sina: Old eggplant is harmful, while fresh is safer. According to Masarhawayh, it is cold, but in truth, its dominant qualities are heat and dryness in the second degree due to its bitterness and sharpness. It causes blockages, increases black bile, worsens the complexion, darkens the skin, and causes jaundice. Small eggplants cause facial spots. They also produce cancerous growths, tumors, leprosy, headaches, and witchcraft. They can blister the mouth and block the liver and spleen. However, when cooked with vinegar, they may open blockages in the liver and spleen, though they can still cause hemorrhoids. The powder of dried eggplant stalks, when applied, can help with hemorrhoids.
Eggplant has neither an astringent nor laxative effect by itself, but when cooked with oil, it loosens, and when cooked with vinegar, it tightens.
Others: Eggplant strengthens the stomach and stops bleeding due to its properties. If one ounce of the pulp of boiled eggplant is mashed and mixed with a drink, it can increase urination. When burned and its ashes mixed with vinegar, it can remove warts.
For those who wish to preserve eggplant for use throughout the year, take small eggplants, pierce each one twice, boil them in water and salt, and leave them in the water they were cooked in. This way, they will keep for the entire year.
Ibn-e-Sina wrote : Fresh eggplants are safer, while aged ones are harmful. Its taste and nature are akin to burnt foods. According to Ibn Masarjuyah, it is cold. However, the correct view is that its dominant qualities are heat and dryness in the second degree, due to its bitterness and spiciness. Egg-plant produces black bile and causes blockages.
Cosmetic Effects: Damages complexion, darkens the skin, and causes yellowing. Smaller eggplants, which are mostly peel, can lead to freckles.
Tumors and Sores: Contributes to the formation of cancers, hard swellings, and leprosy.
Head Effects: Causes headaches, blockages, and mouth sores.
Digestive Effects: Leads to blockages in the liver and spleen. However, when cooked with vinegar, it may help open liver blockages.
Excretory Effects: Can cause hemorrhoids. Yet, powdered dried eggplant calyxes (the caps) applied as a poultice are effective in treating hemorrhoids. Eggplant itself does not have a direct effect on causing diarrhea or constipation, but when cooked in oil, it induces bowel movements, and when cooked in vinegar, it acts as a binder.
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