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اللَّهُمَّ قَاتِلِ الكَفَرَة الذينَ يُكذَّبونَ رُسُلَكَ ويَصُدُّونَ عَن سَبيلكَ، واجْعَلْ عَلَيْهِمْ رِجْزَكَ وعَذَابَك إلهَ الحَقِّ آمِينَ. اللَّهُمَّ مُنِزلَ الكِتَابِ، ومُجْريَ السَّحَابِ، وهَازِمَ الأحْزَابِ اهْزِمْهُمْ وانصُرْنَا عَلَيْهِمْ
TAMAR (Dried Dates)
Dried dates are called TAMAR & some of their benefits were quoted by Ibn Al Qayyim as under:
تـمر : ثبت في الصحيح عنه ـ صلى الله عليه وسلم ـ: (من تصبح بسبع تمرات وفي لفظ: من تمر العالية لم يضره ذلك اليوم سم ولا سحر). وثبت عنه أنه قال: (بيت لا تمر فيه جياع أهله). وثبت عنه أكل التمر بالزبد، وأكل التمر بالخبز، وأكله مفردًا. وهو حار في الثانية، وهل هو رطب في الأولى، أو يابس فيها؟. على قولين. وهو مقو للكبد، ملين للطبع، يزيد في الباه، ولا سيما مع حب الصنوبر، ويبرئ من خشونة الحلق، ومن لم يعتده كأهل البلاد الباردة فإنه يورث لهم السدد، ويؤذي الأسنان، ويهيج الصداع، ودفع ضرره باللوز والخشخاش، وهو من أكثر الثمار تغذية للبدن بما فيه من الجوهر الحار الرطب، وأكله على الريق يقتل الدود، فإنه مع حرارته فيه قوة ترياقية، فإذا أديم استعماله على الريق، خفف مادة الدود، وأضعفه وقلله، أو قتله، وهو فاكهة وغذاء، ودواء وشراب وحلوى.
It is established in the authentic Hadith that Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم said: "Whoever starts his day by eating seven dates, particularly from the elevated region (Aaliyah of Madinah), will not be harmed by poison or magic that day."
It is also reported that Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم said: "A house that has no dates has hungry inhabitants." Our beloved Prophet is known to have eaten dates with butter, with bread, and also on their own. Dates are considered hot in the second degree, but there are differing opinions on whether they are moist in the first degree or dry.
Dates strengthen the liver, soften the constitution, and increase libido, especially when combined with pine nuts. They alleviate roughness in the throat, but for those unaccustomed to them, such as people from cold regions, dates may cause blockages and harm the teeth, potentially leading to headaches. To counteract these negative effects, one can consume almonds and poppy seeds.
Dates are among the most nourishing fruits for the body due to their warm, moist properties. Eating them on an empty stomach can kill intestinal worms because their warmth contains an antidotal strength. Continuous consumption on an empty stomach can reduce the presence of worms, weaken them, or even kill them. Thus, dates serve as a fruit, food, medicine, drink, and sweet treat.
Ibn al-Baytaar wrote for TAMAR : Tamar (dried dates) : Dates can be difficult to digest and may cause headaches if consumed in excess. Their nourishing properties can be heavy and somewhat sticky, especially when the dates are fleshy and sweet. This heaviness can lead to blockages in the liver, which is particularly harmful if there is already swelling or hardness present. The impact of dates on the spleen can also be significant.
Al-Razi, in his work on dietary effects, observed that dates warm the body and nourish it, but they can produce thick, unpleasant blood if there is already heaviness in the liver or spleen. They are beneficial for the chest and lungs but can trigger headaches and eye problems. Excessive consumption can lead to issues such as headaches, eye infections, and dental pain.
For those prone to such ailments, it is advisable to consume dates with sour pomegranate juice or vinegar to mitigate their effects. They can also be mixed with water to alleviate digestive issues. However, for those who do not suffer from these problems, dates can provide nourishment, especially for chronic pain in the back and hips.
For individuals with weak teeth and gums, it’s recommended to rinse the mouth with warm, fresh water after eating dates. Eating dates with milk or cheese, or soaking them in milk, can also be beneficial, provided one rinses the mouth with warm water afterwards.
Dawood Antaaki wrote: Dates are fruit from the date palm tree, and there are many different varieties, with some reports suggesting over fifty types. The best quality is the soft, thin-skinned, fatty, sweet, ripe white Iraqi date, which, when chewed, becomes like gum. Tamar-Dates are mostly grown in hot, dry regions, particularly in sandy areas like Madinah, Iraq, and parts of Egypt. They are hot in the second degree and dry in the first degree, with some saying they are dry in the initial stage. Dates are known to treat chronic coughs, chest pain, and phlegm, especially when eaten on an empty stomach. They help with paralysis, facial weakness, and joint pain due to cold conditions. Dates are highly nourishing, promote strong blood, relieve back pain, and strengthen weak kidneys. When boiled with seeds and consumed, they are effective for treating phlegmatic fevers. There is a well-known Hadith supporting their benefits. Mixed with rice, dates help those suffering from weakness, and when consumed with milk, they are said to improve sexual health.
However, dates should not be consumed by people who have not been born in regions where dates are grown unless measured carefully. They are also not recommended for those with hot temperament or during summer. For those who can benefit, dates are beneficial for thickening the blood, but they can hasten the development of black bile, lead to itching, gum problems, and digestive issues, especially when consumed before bed. They can cause headaches, but their effects can be countered with Sakanjabin (Honey+vinegar drink in water) or poppy drink. The seeds, when burned, are said to improve eyesight, prevent eye disorders, and help with eye health.
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