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اللَّهُمَّ مَا قَصُرَ عَنْه رأيي وضَعُفَ عَنْهُ عَمَلِي ولَمْ تَبْلُغْهُ مُنْـيَتِي ومَسْألَتِي مِن خَيْرٍ وعَدْتَّـهُ أحَداً مِن خَلْقِكَ أو خَيْرٍ أنتَ مُعْطيهِ أحَداً مِن عِبَادِكَ فإنِّي أرغَبُ إليْكَ فيهِ وأسْأَلْكَ بِرَحْمَتِكَ يا رَبَّ العَالَمينَ
Nuwarah ~ Slaked Lime
نُوَرةٌ: روى ابن ماجه: من حديث أُمِّ سلمة رضى الله عنها، أنَّ النبىَّ صلى الله عليه وسلم كان إذا اطَّلى بدأ بعورتِه، فطَلاَها بالنُّوَرة، وسائِرَ جسدِه أهلُه، (حديث ضعيف) وقد ورد فيها عدةُ أحاديث هذا أمثَلُها. وقد قيل: إنَّ أولَ مَن دخل الحمَّام، وصُنِعَتْ له النُّوَرةُ: سليمانُ بن داودَ. وأصلُها: كِلْسٌ جزآن، وزِرْنيخ جزء، يُخلطان بالماء، ويُتركان فى الشمس أو الحمَّام بقدر ما تَنْضَجُ، وتشتد زُرقته. ثم يُطلى به، ويجلِس ساعة رَيْثَما يعمل، ولا يُمَس بماء، ثم يُغسل، ويُطلى مكانها بالحِنَّاء لإذهاب ناريَّتِها
Nuwarah by Ibn al-Qayyim (Depilatory Paste for hair removal): It is narrated by Ibn Majah from Umm Salamah Radi Allaho Anha that Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم would, when applying depilatory paste (Nuwarah), begin with his private parts, and the rest of his body would be handled by his family. (This is a weak hadith). Several other Ahadith mention Nuwarah, but this one is considered the most reliable among them. It is said that the first person to enter a bathhouse and use Nura was Prophet Suleiman عليه السلام, son of Prophet Dawood (peace be upon them).
Preparation: The base ingredients for Nura are: Two parts lime (kiln-burnt lime or quicklime), One part arsenic. These are mixed with water and left in the sun or in a warm place, such as a bathhouse, until the mixture matures and turns deep blue.
Application: The paste is applied to the skin and left for a period, allowing it to take effect. It should not come into contact with water during this time. After the paste has done its work, it is washed off. Henna is then applied to the treated area to neutralize the heat and soothe the skin.
Lime (كلس) by Ibn al-Baytaar: Also known as Nuwarah, lime is described in detail by ancient scholars for its preparation and uses. Lime can be made by taking the shells of marine animals, such as Phorcus shells, and placing them in a heated oven or furnace over-night. The next day, if the shells are excessively white, they are removed. If not, they are reheated until they achieve a bright white color. Once ready, the shells are placed in cold water in a new clay pot, sealed tightly, and left for a day. By the next day, they crumble completely and are stored.
Properties: Lime has a burning, corrosive, and caustic nature. It causes intense heat and burning on contact and can scorch skin. When mixed with substances like fat and oil, it becomes softening, warming, and capable of promoting healing.
Differences Between Lime Types: Unquenched Lime (لم تصبه ماء): Extremely caustic and can cause severe burns, even creating scabs on affected areas.
Quenched Lime (النورة المطفأة): Initially causes scabs upon application but loses much of its burning property after a day or two. Repeated washing further reduces its harshness, transforming it into a drying agent without the burning effect.
Other Applications: Limewater (ماء الرماد) from repeatedly washed lime has a strong drying property and is free from burning effects. It can stop bleeding from wounds when freshly prepared. Lime washed multiple times is beneficial for treating burns caused by fire.
Ibn Sina's Notes: Lime stops bleeding from wounds. Lime that has been thoroughly washed in water several times is effective in treating burns and mitigating its corrosive effects. Lime, in both its raw and processed forms, has significant medicinal and practical applications, with careful handling required to mitigate its corrosive properties.
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