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وَإِن كَانَ مِثْقَالَ حَبَّةٍ مِّنْ خَرْدَلٍ أَتَيْنَا بِهَا وَكَفَى بِنَا حَاسِبِينَ
Khardal ~ Mustard
Khardal (Mustard) is a miracle of my Allah's creations; it is one of the few plants whose name is mentioned in QURAN.
وَإِن كَانَ مِثْقَالَ حَبَّةٍ مِّنْ خَرْدَلٍ أَتَيْنَا بِهَا وَكَفَى بِنَا حَاسِبِينَ
And ˹even˺ if a deed is the weight of a mustard seed, We will bring it forth. And sufficient are We as a ˹vigilant˺ Reckoner. (21:47)
يَا بُنَيَّ إِنَّهَا إِن تَكُ مِثْقَالَ حَبَّةٍ مِّنْ خَرْدَلٍ فَتَكُن فِي صَخْرَةٍ أَوْ فِي السَّمَوَاتِ أَوْ فِي الأَرْضِ يَأْتِ بِهَا اللَّهُ إِنَّ اللَّهَ لَطِيفٌ خَبِيرٌ
Ibn al-Baytaar wrote : Mustard is warming, drying, thinning, and stimulating. Chewing mustard seeds clears phlegm. When crushed and mixed with water, it can be gargled to relieve swellings at the base of the tongue, & chronic roughness in the trachea. Crushed and placed near the nostrils, it induces sneezing and revives people suffering from seizures, suffocation, or uterine pain. As a poultice, it relieves gout. Mixed with figs and applied to the skin, it helps with sciatica and spleen swelling.
Treats persistent pain by drawing out fluids from deep within the body. Poultices of mustard cure alopecia (Da' al-Tha'lab~داء الثعلب). Mixed with honey, fat, or wax melted in oil, it cleanses the face and reduces dark blood spots under the eyes. Mixed with vinegar, it treats ulcerated scabies and infected boils. Lightly crushed and consumed with water, it alleviates certain recurrent fevers. Used in ointments for attracting moisture and in remedies for scabies. Mixed with figs and applied to the ears, it relieves hearing difficulties and tinnitus. A mixture of mustard, water, and honey, when applied as an eye salve, helps with opacity and eyelid roughness.
Masarjawaih: It is hotter than garden cress and relieves chills. Mustard dissolves moisture in the head, stomach, and body. It relieves liver and spleen pain, flatulence, and phlegmatic conditions. It reduces phlegm-induced heaviness in the tongue. It is spicy, cleansing, and thirst-inducing.
Experiments: When crushed and mixed with honey, applied to the forehead, mustard warms the body and alleviates chronic nasal discharges. Applied to cold, numb body parts, it warms and invigorates them. Consumed with food, it aids digestion and warms the stomach. Used in vomiting preparations (mixed with vegetables like chard), it cuts through phlegm and facilitates its expulsion.
Al-Razi: Mustard, when crushed and applied to an aching tooth without swelling, provides quick relief. Pickled Mustard is spicy and warming, clears phlegm, and strengthens the stomach and liver. Should not be consumed excessively due to its intense spiciness; it is best eaten with heavy foods.
Qastus in "Book of Agriculture": Drinking mustard seeds with a beverage on an empty stomach sharpens the mind and enhances sexual vigor. Consumed with honey, it relieves cough. Its smoke, when burned, repels snakes. Mixed with basil and consumed with a drink, it expels intestinal worms. Mixed with sulfur water, it helps with scrofula and dissolves lumps. Drops of its juice relieve toothaches and ear pain.
Rufus: Mustard warms and softens the bowels.
Badigorus: White mustard dissolves hard swellings.
Ibn Masawaih: Excessive use can cause mental distress. Applied to vitiligo, it provides benefits. Consumed with boiled chard, it helps with epilepsy and phlegmatic obstructions.
Al-Basri: Mustard is effective for all pains caused by phlegm and black bile. It brings substances from the depths of the body to the surface. Mustard leaves can be cooked and eaten, but they are harsh on the stomach and can cause headaches.
Mustard by Ibn-e-Sina:
Essence (الْمَاهِيّة): It is a well-known herb.
Temperament (الطَّبْع): Hot and dry, up to the fourth degree.
Actions and Properties (الْأَفْعَال والخواص): Dissolves phlegm. Its oil is warmer than radish oil. Insects (الْهَوَام) flee from its smoke.
Cosmetic (الزِّينَة): Cleanses the face. Removes discoloration and bruises (أثر الدَّم الْمَيِّت). Its poultice is good for vitiligo (البهق). Dries the tongue. Treats alopecia areata (داء الثَّعْلَب).
Tumors and Boils (الأورام والبثور): Dissolves hot tumors. Beneficial for any chronic swelling. Applied with sulfur for scrofula (الْخَنَازِير).
Wounds and Sores (الْجراح والقروح): Treats scabies and skin conditions (القوابي).
Joint Ailments (آلَات المفاصل): Relieves joint pain and sciatica (عرق النسا).
Head (أَعْضَاء الرَّأْس): Clears head moisture. Mustard water is beneficial as ear drops for earache (وجع الْأذن) and toothache (الضرس). Especially useful when mixed with asafoetida (حلتيت). Opens blockages in the body's filters (المصفاة). Said to sharpen the mind if consumed on an empty stomach (ذكى الْفَهم).
Eyes (أَعْضَاء الْعين): Used in eye remedies for cloudiness and roughness.
Chest (أَعْضَاء الصَّدْر): When crushed and consumed with honey water, it relieves chronic roughness in the trachea (قَصَبَة الرئة).
Digestive Organs (أَعْضَاء الْغذَاء): Removes spleen swelling (يزِيل الطحال). Causes thirst.
Reproductive Organs (أَعْضَاء النفض): Beneficial for uterine suffocation (اختناق الرَّحِم). Enhances vitality (يشفي الباه).
Fevers (الحميات): Effective against intermittent and chronic fevers (الحميات الدائرة والعتيقة).
The tiny round seeds have a limited diameter, like the granules are coming out of a MOLD, & you may realize that each Mustard seed has its own diameter, a shape that differs with other seeds & I am sure that each seed has it own unique weight, which will differ in micro-grams & Nano-grams than other Mustard seeds, it is the Power of Allah which He Has Shown to the human. In the fields, Mustard plants look so beautiful, like the entire land has been painted with Yellow. Mustard seeds come in a variety, & Masha'Allah that YELLOW are so beautiful, you have mostly seed the brown seeds. Mustard seeds are high in Selenium, Magnesium, Omega 3, etc. They are good for digestion, induce heat in the stomach, thus bringing impurities to maturity, decomposing the clogs & expelling them out vide stools. They are good for Sciatica patients & their properties are similar to Habb-al-Rashaad. Chewing Mustard seeds will reduce the toothache. Ground mustard seeds made as a paste in honey will open the blocked menstruation Insha'Allah. They are the least used today, we just add them in pickles & the West has a habit of eating Mustard paste.
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