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اللَّهُمَّ إنِّي أسْأَلْكَ الثَّباتَ في الأمْرِ، وأسْألُكَ عَزيمَةَ الرُّشْدِ، وأسْأَلُكَ شكر نعمتك وحسن عبادتك وأسْأَلُكَ لِسَاناً صَادِقاً وقَلْباً سَلِيماً وخُلُقاً مُّسْتَقيماً، وأعُوذُ بِكَ مِن شَرِّ مَا تَعْلَمُ، وأسْأَلُكَ مِن خَيْرِ مَا تَعْلَمُ، وأسْتَغْفِرُكَ مِمَّا تَعْلَمُ إنَّكَ أنتَ عَلاَّمُ الغُيُوبِ
Zubd (Butter)
زُبْدٌ: روى أبو داود في (سننه)، عن ابنَىْ بُسْرٍ السُّلَميَّيْن رضى الله عنهما، قالا: دخل علينا رسولُ الله صلى الله عليه وسلم، فقدَّمنا له زُبداً وتمراً، وكان يُحِبُّ الزُّبدَ والتَّمْرَ. الزُّبد حار رطب، فيه منافعُ كثيرة، منها الإنضاجُ والتحليل، ويُبرىء الأورامَ التي تكون إلى جانب الأُذُنَيْن والحالِبَيْن، وأورام الفم، وسائر الأورام التي تَعرِضُ في أبدان النِّساء والصبيان إذا استُعمِلَ وحده، وإذا لُعِقَ منه، نفع في نفْث الدَّم الذي يكون مِن الرئة، وأنضَجَ الأَورام العارضة فيها وهو مُلَيِّن للطبيعة والعصب والأورام الصلبة العارضة من المِرَّة السوداء والبلغم، نافعٌ من اليُبس العارض في البدن، وإذا طُلِىَ به على منابت أسنان الطفل، كان معيناً على نباتها وطلوعها، وهو نافع من السُّعال العارض من البرد واليبس، ويُذهب القُوباء والخشونة التي في البدن، ويُلَيِّن الطبيعة، ولكنه يُضْعف شهوة الطعام، ويذهب بوخامته الحلو، كالعسل والتمر، وفى جمعه صلى الله عليه وسلم بين التمر وبينه من الحكمة إصلاحُ كل منهما بالآخر.
Ibn Al Qayyim wrote: Abu Dawood narrated in his Sunan from the two sons of Busr al-Sulami that they said: " Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم entered upon us, and we presented him with butter and dates, for he loved butter and dates."
Butter is warm and moist, and it has many benefits, including its ability to aid in digestion and dissolve obstructions. It can alleviate swellings near the ears and kidneys, as well as oral swellings and other bumps that occur in the bodies of women and children when used alone. If licked, it is beneficial for blood-tinged sputum from the lungs, as it helps to mature swellings in that area.
Butter softens the body, nerves, and any hard swellings caused by black bile or phlegm, making it useful for dryness in the body. When applied to the gums of a child, it aids in the growth and emergence of teeth. It is also effective for coughs caused by cold or dryness, helps remove roughness from the body, and softens the natural constitution. However, it can reduce appetite and diminish the sweetness of substances like honey and dates.
The combination of butter and dates that Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم used is a wise practice, as each enhances the qualities of the other.
Ibn al-Baytaar wrote : Butter is extracted from the milk of sheep, goats, and cows through a churning process and other methods. Its main property is warming and maturing (healing) effects, which are more potent in soft bodies, whereas its effect on hard bodies is much weaker. If butter maintains this strength, it is beneficial for treating swellings at the roots of the ears, the nostrils, and the mouth, particularly in people with soft bodies. However, for thick and unnatural swellings in hard bodies, its power is too weak to effectively mature and heal them. We often apply it to swellings and abscesses that occur in the bodies of young boys and women, and it has been effective in healing them. We also frequently apply it to thick gums and ulcers, especially for children when we want their teeth to grow faster, by rubbing it on the child’s gums. It also benefits other mouth ulcers by maturing them. Butter is also mixed with some ingredients used in poultices and applied to swollen groins and inflamed kidneys, or other areas where there are swellings and abscesses. When licked with honey, it provides relief for lung abscesses and chest infections, especially for people with pleurisy, by helping to mature these conditions. Butter on its own without honey is more effective for maturing but less effective for coughing up phlegm. When consumed with honey over time, it is more effective in reducing phlegm.
Good-quality butter is made from the richest milk, such as sheep's milk, but butter can also be made from goat's milk. Butter is extracted by churning milk in a container until the butter separates. Butter has a softening, oily quality, which, when consumed in large quantities, can loosen the bowels. If no oil is available, butter can substitute for it in treating poisonous medications. When mixed with honey and rubbed on the gums, it relieves teething pain in children, soothing their gums and treating mouth ulcers. When applied as a poultice, it nourishes the body and helps with weight gain without causing any irritation. Fresh, unaged butter, when used as an enema, is beneficial for hot swellings and hard swellings in the uterus and ulcers in the intestines. It can be mixed with medications used to open blockages and is particularly helpful in treating nerve injuries, brain injuries, and bladder ulcers. It also cleans and fills ulcers, promotes healing, and when applied to snake bites, it provides relief. Fresh butter can replace oil or fat in certain dishes.
Ibn Sina: Butter is warm and moist in the first degree, with its moisture being higher. It benefits cold, dry coughs, especially when mixed with almonds and sugar. It is highly effective on its own for bladder ulcers.
Al-Razi: Butter is useful for roughness in the throat, ringworm, and dry, scaly patches when rubbed on these areas. If it sits heavily in the stomach, it suppresses appetite. This heaviness can be countered with salt, or by mixing it with honey.
From the "Two Experiments": Butter is beneficial for treating thickened patches on the surface of the skin. These patches are similar to hives but are rougher and more pronounced, though they don’t ulcerate the skin. The treatment for this condition is to first wash the area with cold water, then apply butter, wrap it in cloths, and induce sweating until a large amount of sweat is produced. Repeat the process until the condition improves. Both fresh and aged butter are effective. When consumed, butter relieves diarrhea and intestinal abrasions caused by acidity and also increases diarrhea caused by weak digestion or intestinal slippage. Mixing butter with rosewater can stop the effect of laxatives when taken in excess. Adding butter to soups helps expel sticky phlegm. When mixed with egg yolks and cooked lightly, it relieves burning sensations caused by acidity. This preparation doubles the benefits for all the conditions butter is known to help, and it also relieves bladder inflammation when taken alone or mixed with soft-boiled eggs.
Ibn-e-Sina wrote: Butter is hot and moist in the first degree, with a higher degree of moisture. Butter is a softening, soothing, and dissolving agent. It works well in easing and softening the body, especially in moderate tissues, but is less effective on firmer or tougher parts. Its smoke has a drying effect, and it gently tightens and alleviates pain in areas where fluids accumulate. Butter nourishes the body and helps with weight gain.
Wounds and Ulcers: It is beneficial for nerve injuries, helps fill and cleanse wounds, and promotes healing.
Head: Butter is mixed with other treatments for head injuries, brain conditions, and swelling at the roots of the ears, nose, or mouth. It is also effective for treating gum inflammation and oral thrush. For children, it aids in the growth of teeth (both as a food & as an aplication on the gums).
Chest: Butter is useful for cold, dry coughs, especially when combined with almonds and sugar. It is also helpful for treating pleurisy and lung conditions, easing breathing, and softening phlegm. When combined with almond oil and sugar, it is more effective for soothing and softening. Alone, it has less effect on purging phlegm, but with sugar, it becomes more effective. It can also prevent coughing up blood and helps treat conditions like coughing up mucus when mixed with honey.
Digestive System: Butter is a laxative and, when used in excess, can cause diarrhea. It is useful for soothing hot, hard tumors in the intestines, uterus, and ovaries, and is included in treatments for abscesses in the mouth.
Toxins: Butter has antidotal properties and can be used to treat snake bites by applying it to the bite area.
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