
اللَّهُمَّ إنِّي أعُوذُ بكَ مِن ضيق الدُّنيَا وضيقِ يَومِ القِيامَةِ

Juice Therapy for Gout / Uric Acid

Gout (Naqris) is caused by high levels of uric acid; the patient suffers with Arthritic pains in the back, knee joints & mostly in the heels. Spoiled mixtures in stomach are the dangerous invaders that release unnecessary chemicals, & the body starts attacking its own assets. Spoiled mixtures result due to some of the following mistakes:

For gout & high uric acid, watermelon juice with its rind is such a beautiful therapy, when taken daily, gout pains will reduce within 10 days Insha'Allah. Remove the skin from watermelon's rind & juice it together with the red flesh, those colors were not Created without reason, they have the essential minerals & vitamins extracted out of the soil, watermelon juice (with rind) is alkaline & it definitely neutralizes the acids. Apart from this juice therapy, Hijamah above the ankles reduces the pain in heels; we have tried it for many patients & found it effective.